Range algorithms, views, and actions for the Standard Library
ranges::random_access_iterator_ Concept Reference

The random_access_iterator_ concept. More...

#include <range/v3/iterator/concepts.hpp>

Concept definition

template<typename I>
concept ranges::random_access_iterator_ = requires( I i, iter_difference_t<I> n ) { i + n, n + i, i - n, i += n, i -= n, concepts::requires_<same_as<decltype(i + n), I>>, concepts::requires_<same_as<decltype(n + i), I>>, concepts::requires_<same_as<decltype(i - n), I>>, concepts::requires_<same_as<decltype(i += n), I&>>, concepts::requires_<same_as<decltype(i -= n), I&>>, concepts::requires_<same_as<decltype(i[n]), iter_reference_t<I>>> ; }
The random_access_iterator_ concept.
Definition: concepts.hpp:399

Detailed Description

The random_access_iterator_ concept.