Range algorithms, views, and actions for the Standard Library
ranges::box< Element, Tag, box_compress > Class Template Reference

Public Member Functions

template<typename E >
requires (!same_as<box, detail::decay_t<E>>) && constructible_from<Element, E> && convertible_to<E, Element>
constexpr box (E &&e) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_constructible< Element, E >::value)
template<typename E >
requires (!same_as<box, detail::decay_t<E>>) && constructible_from<Element, E> && (!convertible_to<E, Element>)
constexpr box (E &&e) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_constructible< Element, E >::value)
constexpr Element && get () &&noexcept
constexpr Element & get () &noexcept
constexpr Element const && get () const &&noexcept
constexpr Element const & get () const &noexcept